News and Events Missing and Murdered Indigenous People DayJoin us on May 2nd from 12pm-5pm at Xabatin Community Park for the 3rd Annual MMIP Day, a community-wide event... (Read More...) Youth Digital Storytelling Native Art & Jewelry Sale To Honor One Is To Honor AllJoin us Thursday, May 22nd, for our To Honor One is to Honor All Graduation Celebration, celebrating Lake County's Native... (Read More...) Family Diabetes Prevention ProgramWould you like to learn how to lower your risk for diabetes? Join our 16 week cohort that is designed... (Read More...) Cook It Up!We’re excited to invite our Native patients to our next Cook It Up series—a fun and interactive 6-week cooking class... (Read More...) Diabetes Prevention ProgramAre you interested in taking the next step in making a healthy lifestyle change? Join LCTHC's 16 week Diabetes Prevention Program. Please... (Read More...) Tobacco Cessation WorkshopAre you ready to take the first step toward a healthier future? Join us for our 8-week Tobacco Cessation Workshop... (Read More...) 2025 Holiday Calendar Tribal Youth Gift GiveawayLCTHC's Human Services Department is hosting its Tribal Youth Gift Giveaway Drive-Up Event for local Tribal children ages 0-17 years... (Read More...) Fall Festival & Pumpkin GiveawayJoin LCTHC's Human Services and Public Health Diabetes Departments at our annual Fall Festival & Pumpkin Giveaway. This event is... (Read More...) Elders' Dinner DanceJoin us for the Elders' Dinner Dance on October 20th, 2024 from 4pm-7pm at Twin Pines... (Read More...) Preschool Activities Program - Now EnrollingLCTHC's Preschool Activities Program is now enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Home Maintenance and Repair ClassOur Human Services Department offers its native patients an extensive 12 week Home Maintenance and Repair class beginning Monday, August 26th.2024 Holiday Schedule2024 Holiday ScheduleSouthshore Open To New Patients!Do you have Medi-Cal or Denti-Cal Coverage? Are you looking for dental services? Look no further than Lake County Tribal... (Read More...)LCTHC Holiday Schedule 2022Holiday/Closed Schedule 2022 Upcoming Classes, Programs, and Events! 9.1.22Honoring Motherhood. A fun and supportive gathering celebrating the beauty and strength of Native Women during pregnancy and... (Read More...)Follow Our Facebook Pages For The Latest Updates! LCTHC Facebook Link LCTHC Interactive Community Facebook Link NEW LCTHC Drop-In Child Care! 2022 To Honor One is to Honor All Event2022 Event Flyer Last Years Event Video: 2021 To Honor One is to Honor all Event Video NEW SOUTHSHORE CLINIC: Coming SoonAs we embark on the new year, Lake County Tribal Health is looking forward to a brighter future as we... (Read More...) Question. Persuade. Refer. Informational Handout Link For more information or to register, please contact Priest Martinez at (707)510-5536 or Registration deadline is... (Read More...) LCTHC COVID Vaccine ClinicLake County Tribal Health hosted it’s second Mass Vaccination Clinic on Saturday February 27, 2021 at the Bevins Ct. campus... (Read More...) LCTHC Donates to Local Law Enforcement Agencies Lake County Chamber of Commerce release In the event of an accident or emergency, a... (Read More...) A Message To Our Patients - LCTHC CEO "I sincerely hope that by the time you are reading this message, our community has fought through the worst of... (Read More...) Lake County Tribal Health donates $174,000 to member TribesLake County Tribal Health donates $174,000 to member Tribes to provide aid during the COVID-19 pandemic. “The Funding will further our... (Read More...)COMMUNITY ALERT! 01/08/2021(13) FacebookNative Youth Art Contest Contest Flyer This contest is open to Native American Youth (ages 10yrs - 17yrs). All registered participants will receive... (Read More...)PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff Preparedness ResourcesPG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff Preparedness Resources LINK COVID-19Feeling Sick? Call ahead for appropriate next steps. (707) 263-8382 Lake County COVID-19 Daily Update Plant/Planter Giveaway LCTHC is happy to announce, we will have a Plant/Planter Drive-Thru Giveaway for our Native American Patients. This event will... (Read More...)2020 Graduate Gift Bag 2020 To Honor One is to Honor All Graduation Due to COVID-19, LCTHC will not be able to hold... (Read More...)EVENT: Healthy Living on a BudgetLearn healthy habits, weight-loss tips and easy cooking on a budget in just 4 weeks! Wednesday, March 15 (Class 1) Wednesday,... (Read More...)NEWS: Tribal Home Visiting Program Video Featured on ACF’s Website! NEWS: Tribal Health Funds Child ID ProgramLake County Tribal Health Consortium (LCTHC) recently donated $20,000 to the sheriff’s department to fund a child identification program that helps parents prepare for an emergency. Read full article here. NEWS: Tribal Health donates $50,000 to Sutter Lakeside HospitalBy Morgen Wells Lake County Tribal Health Consortium celebrated the one year anniversary of its pediatrics and obstetrics clinic by giving... (Read More...) NEWS: Courthouse Museum hosts first Tribal Health drum circleBy Jennifer Gruenke Before stepping onto the top floor of the Lakeport Historic Courthouse Tuesday night where a drum circle was... (Read More...) NEWS: KQED features Tribal Health's Prediabetes ServicesBy Farida Jhabvala Romero Johnny Gonzales kneels next to his client, Jorje Mendez, who is struggling through the last set of... (Read More...) NEWS: Sutter Lakeside Hospital partners with Tribal Health to Provide MammogramsFor three hours the day before Halloween, any American Indian woman who got a mammogram at Sutter Lakeside Hospital could... (Read More...)NEWS: 4P's Plus Pregnancy Support Project used as a model for other organizationsLake County Tribal Health continues to be a leader in the healthcare services. Our 4P's Plus Pregnancy Support Project is being used as a model to other organizations to provide pregnancy support services to Native American women who struggle with substance use. NEWS: Advocacy through storytellingHDAC Youth members Tj Keeya Talamoni-Marcks and Rodrigo Lupercio are the winners of a nation-wide essay contest and will head to... (Read More...)NEWS: LCTHC Tackles Worst Health Outcomes (404)NEWS: Parent-Child Assistance Program Comes to Lake County Tribal Health ConsortiumRecently, CASA for Children published an article from our Human Services department that describes the process of bringing a Parent Child Assistance Program to Lake County Tribal Health. Read the full article here.NEWS: New Tribal Health ClinicLake County Tribal Health's new clinic was featured in the Record-BeeNEWS: LCTHC Offers Comprehensive Family ServicesThe U.S. Administration for Children & Families' Early Childhood Development website recently covered the family services offered by... (Read More...)NEWS: LCTHC Family Garden SpaceLake County Tribal Health's unique familiy garden space was highlighted in the local news.Public Health Offers Free Eye Exams and Diabetes ScreeningsNext: Our Facility »« Previous: New Patients