Comprehensive Healing and Pain Management Program
We offer the following services in our Comprehensive Health and Pain Management Program:
Lakeport Pain Management (Mondays - Thursdays)
Clearlake Pain Management (Wednesdays - Fridays)
Chiropractic Care
Chronic Pain Behavioral Health Services
Chronic pain usually begins as acute pain resulting from an injury or illness. When the pain continues for more than six (6) months, it is identified as chronic pain. The majority of chronic pain patients begin to experience psychological responses to the pain including worry, anxiety, despair, and/or frustration. Unfortunately, all of these responses result in muscular tightening that then brings about more physical pain. Thus, patients get caught in the circular loop of physical-psychological-physical-psychological pain and suffering. Chronic pain treatment is often more successful when both the medical and psychological components of this circularity are addressed. With our Medical Pain Specialist, LCTHC now provides treatment services for the full range of the circularity of chronic pain.
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